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Explore solutions that deliver the simplicity, confidence and ease of use you rely on to grow your business
Shop NowCount on the market leader in small to medium-sized buildings that your customers have come to know and ask for.
Fire-Lite offers everything you need, including products and solutions that are easy to learn, program, deploy and use.
With free hands-on courses and online training modules by Fire-Lite, you'll learn to master Fire-Lite products with ease.
The Pathway to Reliable Security
The Honeywell® CLSS Pathway combines dialer capture functionality with the powerful capabilities of Honeywell’s CLSS data and visual intelligence cloud platform. Utilizing the 5G ready LTE-M network, the CLSS Pathway serves as a bridge between the fire system and the CLSS Cloud, while offering dual support to both AT&T and Verizon Wireless networks.
Shop NowFrom comprehensive solutions to ongoing support, Fire-Lite supports you every step of the way.
Learn about Fire-Lite's broad portfolio of products to meet all your fire safety needs with this valuable products brochure.
Fire-Lite provides a set of software tools designed to assist Fire-Lite customers in the day-to-day business of selling and supporting fire alarm systems.
Access the latest Fire-Lite software and firmware through the download center.